This song is FREE for non-profiting endeavours
From St. Augustine and Plymouth Rock, to the Hawaiian Islands Sunshine,
The Bill of Rights that We Believe, the Cause that is our Freedom.
A Shrinking World, a Growing Scheme, Democracy Surrounds us,
This is America, America,
The settlement in Jamestown was the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock in 1620.
Guitar-chord & lyric sheet ThisIsAmerica.TXT 1.7-KBytes Plain text file
Lyrics & info ThisIsAmerica.DOC 25-KBytes MS Word file
Printable Score Sheet Music ThisIsAmerica.JPG 111-KBytes JPEG image file
Printable Score Sheet Music ThisIsAmerica.gif 79-KBytes GIF image file Tranparent Background
Walt Singing his "ThisIsAmerica" 2.3-MBytes MP3 file
This is America - Instrumental Key of A .MP3
Standard School ‘n Scout 191-KBytes Zip File
Walt Perko's Biography WaltPerko's Biography <<< < a work in progress > >>>
"This is America"
by Walt Perko
Copyright 1991
Donald Trump & the GOP/the Republican Party and Other Supporters of Trump and the GOP
are Prohibited from using this song,
this website or my name or anything else about my website or my creativity
for no less than $10Billion US American Dollars!
Sing for the love of our country, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and Democracy.
My Love for her runs Deep and Strong, my Pride is in her Soul.
This is America, America,
This is America, and my pride is in her soul.
We hold them Sacred in our Hearts, Ideals that we Believe,
This is America, America,
This is America, and my pride is in her soul.
Freedom's Bell will Ring again, with Liberty Enlightening the World.
This is America, America,
This is America, and my pride is in her soul.
This is America, and my pride is in her soul.
On December 6, 1606,
the voyage came from England.
Jamestown was the first settlement,
The first seed of our nation.
This is America, America,
This is America, and my pride is in her soul.
Now it's time for school kids to add more phrases to the song!
Turning more of our history into lyrics ...
The Pilgrims were English separatists seeking religious freedom who established the
Plymouth Colony in present-day Massachusetts. Their arrival marked the beginning of
significant European colonization in New England and further shaped the cultural and
political landscape of what would become the United States.
the download files ...
Also visit the: This is America Foundation .org
My hope is for those who believe in the democratic process to encourage children to learn and sing this song ...
in elementary schools at ralleys ... and to pass on the democratic word by singing this song and know they pass
on the word of Honor, Dignity, Trust and Pride ...
Inspired by the ending of the "Cold War" I wrote this song ...
and to help people learn a little bit about the history of the United States of America ...
The song is copyrighted to protect the song from abuse and misuse, and so that Non-Profit venues and clubs like the Boy's 'n Girl Scouts,
Campfire Scouts, both public & private elementary school's all can sing this song FREE.
I only want to be paid when my song is used for commercial purposes!